A few words about our founder

Vikhuli Bogi

Founder & Our Dear Chef

Most people know me as Viky. I grew up in the Hills of Nagaland and in a family that valued people over possessions. We had challenges like any other family but my Parents played a crucial role in teaching us the value of being hospitable and generous to those in need. Even though both of them are no more they have left a legacy of kindness that our hurting world needs so badly. By God’s grace my 91 year old Mother in Law is another amazing human being who has always modeled simplicity and putting others first. My husband and I do our best to model these values in our lives.

We are blessed with three lovely kids and do our best to live by the values of Kindness, Generosity and Hospitality.

To create a cozy place where healthy and tasty homemade food is served with a greater purpose of serving the poor and needy.

Vikhuli Bogi

So, what does Juvi mean?

Let's learn the story of Juvi!


Juvi means beautiful.

A great deal of women in India are given little to no value in their community as they are raised in contemptuous homes.

As they grow up they are alive, but not truly living; plagued with feelings of worthlessness and lacking the confidence to succeed. When I first began to see that I can actually do something to make a difference in their lives I began to find practical ways help women recognize their beauty and dignity. Soon Juvi was born. Juvi is a small social business done by heart. Whether it is our boutique or the Homemade food joint, it exists to encourage, empower and equip the underprivileged with skills that will help them and in some cases, their children’s education.

What's so special about Juvi?

At Juvi, we do our best to serve genuinely homemade food – healthy and tasty.